This is the preface of ECNUAS Reads 2020
Note: Photo taken in ECNUAS high school library. June 2020.
I was flying when I started writing this preface. It was not an intended arrangement that I would have to read these book reviews on a flight, time tough never permitted me to deliberate on what values these over one hundred reviews would bring to our community. Reading in a flight cabinet created a wonderful feeling that these words on pages drew me closer to teachers’ thoughts, although the school and teachers were a thousand kilometers away. Savoring the words and sentences wrote by each teacher, imagining everyone’s posture, expression, and surrounding while writing, trying to guess the thoughts and actions that each teacher would take, I felt this collection would generate some positive effect on the teacher professional learning community of ECNUAS.
To ask teachers to read and write book reviews was one idea that flashed into my mind when Principal Gong advised me to give teachers some summer assignments at the end of the 2019 academic year. Reading is really a convenient choice as all teachers have access to books. At the same time, sharing among teachers is also an important practice in a learning community. How to have teachers read and share what they read? Making a collection of book reviews seemed to be a good choice.
Principal Gong and I were very pleased to see this call be echoed by most teachers. We received over one hundred reviews after the summer, behind which we believe were a few shelves of books read. The scope of the reading encompasses teaching and learning, curriculum, psychology, and others. It is absolutely joy for us to read that every teacher intends to apply what is learned from the book read into the practice of teaching and education, whether to improve the ability of guiding students, or renovate methods of teaching, or enhance understanding of students’ learning.
The idea of making the collection is great, the amount of work involved is great too! Collaboration was the solution to such a huge task. Upon receiving teachers’ book reviews, I gathered a task force consisting of divisional principals and members of the Academic Committee to read, collate, and select from all the pieces. A few months later, I read each selected piece carefully again to further edit and categorize. The final collection of 92 reviews is the result of these above processes. The school librarians also provided support in the final editing stage.
We categorized the reviews into six sections, including teaching and learning, curriculum, psychology, education, reviews of articles, and others. Among them, ‘others’ has little to do with school work, they are related to teachers’ personal reading and learning interests; ‘reviews of articles’ were not about published books, although these reviews are related to school work.
We entitle the collection as ECNUAS READS. Reading is just the starter as it processes others’ thoughts and experiences; this initial step should be followed by internalization through which reading becomes our own knowledge and skills; the process of teacher learning must be culminated by making real changes in teaching and education. It has been proven that the effectiveness of any reform on education and teaching depends on changes in teachers’ practices in and outside classrooms. We hope ECNUAS teachers will continuously improve our individual and collective quality of teaching and education by reading, reflecting, practicing, and sharing.
Reading book reviews is reading too. I have been reading over one hundred reviews. That is to say, I scanned over one hundred books in two months. This is very efficient learning! I think I will eventually buy or borrow some of these books and give them a good reading that they deserve, whereas for some books I will just let them go. I hope our teachers will like this way of learning and will enjoy this collection in particular as it is the collection that ECNUAS reads.
2021 年1月1日
January 1, 2021